Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Just chatted with a Mayor...

...And he suggested I blog my trips when I travel to speak about LVT. That's why he's the Mayor, I guess. Alas, I can't identify him. Here's a news article about one such expedition to Titusville, Pa. where I presented a study to the city outlining the awful property assessments provided by Crawford County.

Although LVT has cut taxes for most homeowners, the commercial and industrial values are so out of whack that the city could tax land values 100% and still not move a vacant land owner to dump his land (or build on it). We have more work to do in that charming little town.

Titusville also has a nice new brewpub downtown and a clean little Comfort Inn to rest my weary head. The modern oil industry started in Titusville, but it peaked in about 1890. Oops.

Anyway, Jeannie Seeley comes from Titusville, and that's cool.

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